Thursday, May 7, 2009

pray for rain - and sun

Recently, Ruby and I went to church where, as far as transubstance is concerned, she remarked that the priest was making pancakes and fruit punch. I whispered to her that it was symbolically the body and blood of Jesus, his sacrifice at the Last Supper to remember him by.

I said, as we walked home beneath the swift clouds and through a steady rain with flowered and black umbrellas, that I would pray for Ruby to get better from her Pink Eye. She replied she would pray for my back to feel better, as it is 'out' and very painful.

She yelled at the sky to listen to her for me to get well. She asked if my back was fixed. I said prayers take time, you have to have patience. She said, "Why do we have to wait?" I told that's what we do, like for the sun to come again, to remember what happens before and what's next.

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